Eliana Maria Nigro Rocha


Novidades 2016



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Inserido em Abstracts Janeiro a Julho de 2016:

- Public attitudes toward stuttering in Europe: Within-country and between-country comparisons

- Stuttering at school: the effect of a teacher training program on stuttering


Inserido em Abstracts Agosto a Dezembro de 2016:

- Evidence That Bimanual Motor Timing Performance Is Not a Significant Factor in Developmental Stuttering

- The Client's Perspective on Voluntary Stuttering




Inserido em Abstracts Janeiro a Julho de 2016:

- Is it necessary to assess fluent symptoms, duration of dysfluent events, and physical concomitants when identifying children who have speech difficulties?

- Temporal variability in sung productions of adolescents who stutter


Inserido em Abstracts Agosto a Dezembro de 2016:

- Emotional Diathesis, Emotional Stress, and Childhood Stuttering




Corrigidas falhas na visualização do texto Consciência e Reações de Crianças de 2 a 7 anos em relação à sua fala disfluente.




Inserido em Abstracts Janeiro a Julho de 2016:

- [Analyzing stutter originated from the frustrated clinging instinct and its relation to anxiety and self-esteem].

- Beyond production: Brain responses during speech perception in adults who stutter.

- Bupropion-induced stuttering treated with haloperidol.

- Decreased Cerebellar-Orbitofrontal Connectivity Correlates with Stuttering Severity: Whole-Brain Functional and Structural Connectivity Associations with Persistent Developmental Stuttering.

- Does Working Memory Enhance or Interfere With Speech Fluency in Adults Who Do and Do Not Stutter? Evidence From a Dual-Task Paradigm.

- Dorsal and ventral language pathways in persistent developmental stuttering.

- Effect(s) of Language Tasks on Severity of Disfluencies in Preschool Children with Stuttering.

- Late Recovery from Stuttering: The Role of Hand Dominancy, Fine Motor and ‎Inhibition Control.

- Phonological memory in young children who stutter

- Putting the cart before the horse: A cost effectiveness analysis of treatments for stuttering in young children requires evidence that the treatments analyzed were effective.

- Randomized clinical trial: the use of SpeechEasy® in stuttering treatment.

- Relationship between Speech Production and Perception in People Who Stutter.

- Response to "Putting the cart before the horse: A cost effectiveness analysis of treatments for stuttering in young children requires evidence that the treatments analyzed were effective".

- Stuttering: Clinical and research update

- Temporal processing and long-latency auditory evoked potential in stutterers.


Inserido em Abstracts Agosto a Dezembro de 2016

- Crystal Ball Gazing: Research and Clinical Work in Fluency Disorders in 2026.




Inserido em Abstracts Janeiro a Julho de 2016:

- A Mutation Associated with Stuttering Alters Mouse Pup Ultrasonic Vocalizations

- Case file audit of Lidcombe program outcomes in a student-led stuttering clinic.

- Communication restriction in adults who stutter: Part II.

- Comparison of different speech tasks among adults who stutter and adults who do not stutter

- Developing and Using Big Data Archives to Quantify Disfluency and Stuttering in Bilingual Children

- Dissociations among linguistic, cognitive, and auditory-motor neuroanatomical domains in children who stutter.

- Neurophysiologic markers of primary motor cortex for laryngeal muscles and premotor cortex in caudal opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus investigated in motor speech disorder: a navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) study.

- Secondary School Teachers' Beliefs, Attitudes, and Reactions to Stuttering

- Segmental transition of the first syllables of words in Japanese children who stutter: Comparison between word and sentence production.

- When will a stuttering moment occur? The determining role of speech motor preparation.


Inserido em Abstracts Agosto a Dezembro de 2015 

- Standalone Internet speech restructuring treatment for adults who stutter: A phase I study.




Em 06.05.16 apresentarei no XXI Colóquio Winnicott Internacional o tema Gagueira: terapia fonoaudiológica com enfoque Winnicottiano















































Inserido em Abstracts Janeiro a Julho de 2016:

- Anticipatory coarticulation and stability of speech in typically fluent speakers and people who stutter

- A preliminary investigation of daily variability of stuttering in adults.

- Associations between beliefs about and reactions toward people who stutter.

- Attention demands of language production in adults who stutter.

- Carry-over fluency induced by extreme prolongations: A new behavioral paradigm.

- From Grapheme to Phonological Output: Performance of Adults Who Stutter on a Word Jumble Task.

- New onset stutter following electrode insertion in the ventrocaudalis nucleus for face pain.

- Parent verbal contingencies during the Lidcombe Program: Observations and statistical modeling of the treatment process.

- Perceptual Accent Rating and Attribution in Psychogenic FAS: Some Further Evidence Challenging Whitaker's Operational Definition.

- Qualitative analysis of bibliotherapy as a tool for adults who stutter and graduate students.

- Self-acceptance of stuttering: A preliminary study.

- Speech pathology student clinician attitudes and beliefs towards people who stutter: A mixed-method - pilot study.

- The impact of causal attribution on stigmatizing attitudes toward a person who stutters.

- The perceived impact of stuttering on personality as measured by the NEO-FFI-3.




Atualizada informação em Um curta-metragem sobre gagueira recebeu o Oscar 2016 




Inserido em Abstracts Janeiro a Julho de 2016:

- Heritability of non-speech auditory processing skills




Inserido em Gagueira Neurogênica: Um vídeo de um rapaz com gagueira neurogênica.



Inserido em Abstracts Agosto a Dezembro de 2015 

- An event-related potential investigation of sentence processing in adults who stutter.

- Association between Rare Variants in AP4E1, a Component of Intracellular Trafficking, and Persistent Stuttering.

- Bupropion-Induced Stuttering.

- Clinical features associated with an early onset in chronic tic disorders.

- Communication attitudes in children who stutter: A meta-analytic review.

- Economic evaluation of stuttering treatment in preschool children: The RESTART-study.

- Electrophysiological evidence for a general auditory prediction deficit in adults who stutter.

- Examination of validity in spoken language evaluations: Adult onset stuttering following mild traumatic brain injury.

- How fluent is the fluent speech of people who stutter? A new approach to measuring kinematics with ultrasound.

- Human mutant huntingtin disrupts vocal learning in transgenic songbirds.

- Impact of stuttering severity on adolescents' domain-specific and general self-esteem through cognitive and emotional mediating processes.

- Influence of Methylphenidate on the Frequency of Stuttering: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

- Neural systems mediating processing of sound units of language distinguish recovery versus persistence in stuttering.

- Neurogenic speech sequelae following suicide attempt by hanging: a case report.

- Personality attributes of Iranian people who stutter.

- Phonetic complexity of words immediately following utterance-initial productions in children who stutter.

- "Stuttering" after minor head trauma.

- The prevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in stutterers is higher than in the control group.




Inserida a página Abstracts Janeiro a Julho de 2016:

- Abnormal time course of low beta modulation in non-fluent preschool children: A magnetoencephalographic study of rhythm tracking

- Altered functional connectivity in persistent developmental stuttering.

- An autopsy case of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with the appearance of fused in sarcoma inclusions (basophilic inclusion body disease) clinically presenting corticobasal syndrome

- Assessing attentional biases with stuttering.

- Behavior Assessment Battery: A Pilot Study of the Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive Correlates Surrounding Spasmodic Dysphonia

- Benign hereditary chorea, not only chorea: a family case presentation

- Case report of aripiprazole in the treatment of adolescent stuttering.

- Deep brain stimulation for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder with implications for improvements in stuttering.

- Measuring Stuttering in Preschool-Aged Children across Different Languages: An International Study

- Mirror neurons as a model for the science and treatment of stuttering

- Non-pharmacological treatments for stuttering in children and adults: a systematic review and evaluation of clinical effectiveness, and exploration of barriers to successful outcomes.

- Role of the left frontal aslant tract in stuttering: a brain stimulation and tractographic study.

- Teachers' screening estimations of speech-language impairments in primary school children in Nepal

- The frontal aslant tract underlies speech fluency in persistent developmental stuttering.

- The state of the art in non-pharmacological interventions for developmental stuttering. Part 2: qualitative evidence synthesis of views and experiences.




Inserido em Bem-vindo: Um curta-metragem sobre gagueira. Indicado ao Oscar 2016




Inserido em Textos e Livros: Seu filho gagueja?




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